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Hmm… reached home 4plus last nite so didn’t have a chance to blog cos my eyes are shuttin down soon so intend to enter my entries today.. hmm.. went back to sch in the afternoon to settle some of my study loan stuffs.. dear accompany me there.. after that we went to have our so called LUNCH OR DINNER.. not tt sure too… haha…erm… headed home around 7 to get ready to go for KRUNK PARTY at sentosa… actually is went there to take up the shift of our booth… but my shift was around 1am… hmmm…. Reached there around 10 plus.. we waited for both Sheryl, Cheryl to fetch us at the entrance for so long and Eugene kinda piss off so he went to smoke.. saw a bunch of ah bengs… around 10ppl… all of them were showing off how well they can smoke.. there were like playing the smoke in their mouth… WTH…. A bunch of useless assholes…!! OH.. finally they came to fetch us… saw Nicole fu.. she came and tap my shoulders….hmm…. get in and the crowd was huge….. I thought the party was like beach party but end up no.. it’s more like clubbing with all those light flashin around.. and ……erm… this is wad attract ppl the most.. THE 15 HOT GUYS AND 15 HOT GALS modellin on the stage.. here came the guys.. one by one they came out.. gals out there were sceamin like crazy…..hmm.. after that paul and I went back to our booth… no more stage performance so everyone went down to the dance floor and started dancing… charles was there too.. he came and talk to me… he was drunk la… he couldn’t even stand properly… he told me that nobody or can sae no gals offer to dance with him… hahaha… hmmm…..some of the rubgy ppl can really dance well.. especially Wilson, mel, mattew, shan, taufik,….. Wilson and mel dance wif each other and was great… both of them can really shake well…. Hmm.. shan took turn to dance wif owen, mattew, taufik… the funny part came.. a guy came and tap her shoulders and sae ‘ MY TURN “… shan walked off and the guy kept walkin behind her and pester her.. all of us laugh until like siao… shan look as if she was very loose but she is not….. the guy might mistaken….. hahaha….ok.. went to chat wif jia yan for almost 2hrs den after that we made our way home… think I hvin sorethroat now due to those smoke la…… almost everyone was smoking la…hmmm.. shall stay at home today…! So tire…………..