
No Spam! Thanks


skip alancia lesson today cos i was feelin so sleepy so intend not to go.. did housework with paul today for almost 3 hrs la.. damn tired.... do nth much ... was msning all the way... went for the buddhist dinner thin around 8plus... wow. so full man... and u noe wad..? some people realli veri crazy.. they bid for a certain thin up to $8222.. can u imagine..? this is the 1st time that the bid actualli went up so high.... hmm.. as usual my uncle bid some stuffs too.. this year he bid a nokia handphone which cost him abt 500... not worth.. hmmm.. dear suddenly came and find mi today.. da sa gua... he came and pass mi some stuffs.. love u man.. hehe... ok.. nth much to blog.. wonderin whether to go for school tmr. iffa sms and sae there will be a impt meetin... sian la.. bye...