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Finally had a chance to blog! went to town continously this whole week lo... why? reason is bcos............. some benefit that i get from dear's workplace... haha... NUM(NewUrbanMale) is where i always visit this week cos all the NUM's staffs get CHRISTMAS PROMOTION by their boss.... they can get wadever they want and all stuffis they get is 50-60% off! MOOKS another shop at Heeren belong to NUM too.. and 70% off for the stuffs u buy.. OMG!!! is lik all their clothes is so ex but after the discount, it's lik so so cheap..... dear spent approximately 300bucks ++... he bought around 20plus clothes i guess.. zzz... but some other staffs worse. up to 700bucks and more.. =.=... anyway is realli worth it! money can earn back but this kind of promotions is rare! so we went in and out in and out in and out of the fitting rooms for lik million times? haha... not that exaggerate la... but i admit i'm realli tire.....=S.. but in the end i bought only a few stuffs due to $$$ problem... as u all noe i 'm still so broke... i still tryin so hard to find job...=( took some pics.... but it lik a few only... regret din take more pic cos we realli too concentrate in shoppin for our stuffs lo.... hahaa........